NaNoWriMo Week 2!

Hello friends!  I have been going full force on my novel writing project. And, it has been going well. I am almost to the halfway goal for N...

Hello friends! 

I have been going full force on my novel writing project. And, it has been going well. I am almost to the halfway goal for NaNoWriMo. 
Editing: I haven't been stopping to reread or edit too much which surprises me. With my writing at work I am constantly stopping to check my work and edit as I go along. That's the one thing I've found bout this experience; you don't have time to stop and edit if you want to achieve the word count goal. 
I did a lot of research, planning and outlining in the months leading up to November and I have found that really helps me stay on track while I crank out those words. That way if I start to get writers block I just check out my outline to remind myself of where I'm headed. 
The various forms of technology have really been my saving grace here too because I wrote almost 2,000 words by typing on the word process on my cell phone while Brice and I sat in the car for four hours.
Mostly, I am having so much fun with this writing project, that's what has really kept me going. I think about what my characters will get into next and I can't wait to keep writing to see how it all fits together. When I actually finish the first draft, I'm going to have a lot of editing work to do. Wish me luck! 

Any of my readers trying to tackle NaNoWriMo as well? Leave me a comment and let me know how it's going for you. 

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